Visualization of Alexnet using Graphviz. The example is a PNG as Blogger does not accept vectorial images like SVG or PDF. However, with the code below it is possible to generate a PDF calling the program "dot" with the next command:
dot -Tpdf alexnet.gv -o alexnet.pdf # or an SVG dot -Tsvg alexnet.gv -o alexnet.svg
// ================================================= // // Author: Miquel Perello Nieto // // Web: // // Email: miquel.perellonieto at aalto dot fi // // ================================================= // // // This is an example to create Alexnet Convolutional Neural Network // using the opensource tool Graphviz. // // Tested with version: // // 2.36.0 (20140111.2315) // // To generate the graph as a PDF just run: // // dot -Tpdf alexnet.gv -o alexnet.pdf // // One think to have in mind is that the order of the nodes definition modifies // nodes position. digraph Alexnet { // ================================== // // GRAPH OPTIONS // // ================================== // // From Top to Bottom rankdir=TB; // Tittle possition: top labelloc="t"; // Tittle label="Alexnet"; // ================================== // // NODE SHAPES // // ================================== // // // There is a shape and color description for each node // of the graph. // // It can be specified individually per node: // first_node [shape=circle, color=blue]; // // Or for a group of nodes if specified previously: // node [shape=circle, color=blue]; // first_node; // second_node; // // Data node // ========= data [shape=box3d, color=black]; // Label node // ========= label [shape=tab, color=black]; // Loss function node // ================== loss [shape=component, color=black]; // Convolution nodes // ================= // // All convolutions are a blue inverted trapezoid // node [shape=invtrapezium, fillcolor=lightblue, style=filled]; conv1; conv3; // Splitted layer 2 // ================ // // Layers with separated convolutions need to be in subgraphs // This is because we want arrows from individual nodes but // we want to consider all of them as a unique layer. // subgraph layer2 { // Convolution nodes // node [shape=invtrapezium, fillcolor=lightblue, style=filled]; conv2_1; conv2_2; node [shape=Msquare, fillcolor=darkolivegreen2, style=filled]; relu2_1; relu2_2; } // Splitted layer 4 // ================ // subgraph layer4 { // Convolution nodes // node [shape=invtrapezium, fillcolor=lightblue, style=filled]; conv4_1; conv4_2; node [shape=Msquare, fillcolor=darkolivegreen2, style=filled]; relu4_1; relu4_2; } // Splitted layer 5 // ================ // subgraph layer5 { // Convolution nodes // node [shape=invtrapezium, fillcolor=lightblue, style=filled]; conv5_1; conv5_2; // Rectified Linear Unit nodes // node [shape=Msquare, fillcolor=darkolivegreen2, style=filled]; relu5_1; relu5_2; } // Rectified Linear Unit nodes // ============================ // // RELU nodes are green squares // node [shape=Msquare, fillcolor=darkolivegreen2, style=filled]; relu1; relu3; relu6; relu7; // Pooling nodes // ============= // // All pooling nodes are orange inverted triangles // node [shape=invtriangle, fillcolor=orange, style=filled]; pool1; pool2; pool5; // Normalization nodes // =================== // // All normalization nodes are gray circles inside a bigger circle // (it reminds me a 3 dimmensional Gaussian looked from top) // node [shape=doublecircle, fillcolor=grey, style=filled]; norm1; norm2; // Fully connected layers // ====================== // // All fully connected layers are salmon circles // node [shape=circle, fillcolor=salmon, style=filled]; fc6; fc7; fc8; // Drop Out nodes // ============== // // All DropOut nodes are purple octagons // node [shape=tripleoctagon, fillcolor=plum2, style=filled]; drop6; drop7; // ================================== // // ARROWS // // ================================== // // // There is a color and possible a label for each // arrow in the graph. // Also, some nodes has connections going in and // going out. // // The color can be specified individually per arrow: // first_node -> second_node [color=blue, style=bold,label="one to two"]; // // Or for a group of nodes if specified previously: // edge [color=blue]; // first_node -> second_node; // second_node -> first_node; // second_node -> third_node; // // // LAYER 1 // data -> conv1 [color=lightblue, style=bold,label="out = 96, kernel = 11, stride = 4"]; edge [color=darkolivegreen2]; conv1 -> relu1; relu1 -> conv1; conv1 -> norm1 [color=grey, style=bold,label="local_size = 5, alpha = 0.0001, beta = 0.75"]; norm1 -> pool1 [color=orange, style=bold,label="pool = MAX, kernel = 3, stride = 2"]; pool1 -> conv2_1 [color=lightblue, style=bold,label="out = 256, kernel = 5, pad = 2"]; pool1 -> conv2_2 [color=lightblue, style=bold]; // // LAYER 2 // edge [color=darkolivegreen2]; conv2_1 -> relu2_1; conv2_2 -> relu2_2; relu2_1 -> conv2_1; relu2_2 -> conv2_2; conv2_1 -> norm2 [color=grey, style=bold,label="local_size = 5, alpha = 0.0001, beta = 0.75"]; conv2_2 -> norm2 [color=grey, style=bold]; norm2 -> pool2 [color=orange, style=bold,label="pool = MAX, kernel = 3, stride = 2"]; pool2 -> conv3 [color=lightblue, style=bold,label="out = 384, kernel = 3, pad = 1"]; // // LAYER 3 // conv3 -> relu3 [color=darkolivegreen2]; relu3 -> conv3 [color=darkolivegreen2]; conv3 -> conv4_1 [color=lightblue, style=bold,label="out = 384, kernel = 3, pad = 1"]; conv3 -> conv4_2 [color=lightblue, style=bold]; // // LAYER 4 // edge [color=darkolivegreen2]; conv4_1 -> relu4_1; relu4_1 -> conv4_1; conv4_2 -> relu4_2; relu4_2 -> conv4_2; conv4_1 -> conv5_1 [color=lightblue, style=bold, label="out = 256, kernel = 3, pad = 1"]; conv4_2 -> conv5_2 [color=lightblue, style=bold]; // // LAYER 5 // edge [color=darkolivegreen2]; conv5_1 -> relu5_1; relu5_1 -> conv5_1; conv5_2 -> relu5_2; relu5_2 -> conv5_2; conv5_1 -> pool5 [color=orange, style=bold,label="pool = MAX, kernel = 3, stride = 2"]; conv5_2 -> pool5 [color=orange, style=bold]; pool5 -> fc6 [color=salmon, style=bold,label="out = 4096"]; fc6 -> relu6 [color=darkolivegreen2]; relu6 -> fc6 [color=darkolivegreen2]; fc6 -> drop6 [color=plum2, style=bold,label="dropout_ratio = 0.5"]; drop6 -> fc6 [color=plum2]; // // LAYER 6 // fc6 -> fc7 [color=salmon, style=bold,label="out = 4096"]; // // LAYER 7 // fc7 -> relu7 [color=darkolivegreen2]; relu7 -> fc7 [color=darkolivegreen2]; fc7 -> drop7 [color=plum2, style=bold,label="dropout_ratio = 0.5"]; drop7 -> fc7 [color=plum2]; fc7 -> fc8 [color=salmon, style=bold,label="out = 1000"]; // // LAYER 8 // edge [color=black] fc8 -> loss; label -> loss; }
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