jueves, 27 de febrero de 2014

Dropbox need superuser

For some reason Dropbox started asking about superuser password... However it does not need acces to other folders than user ones. It seems that there is one problem with one of the paths in its python code. Just find the path to dropbox executable:

$ which dropbox

then modify with root privileges this file.

sudo vi /usr/bin/dropbox

The incorrect line is the first of these two lines:
PARENT_DIR = os.path.expanduser("/var/lib/dropbox")
DROPBOXD_PATH = "%s/.dropbox-dist/dropboxd" % PARENT_DIR

In my case the first one needs to point to my home, then it looks like this:

PARENT_DIR = os.path.expanduser("~")

Then start dropbox

$ dropbox start -i

source: http://blog.ishans.info/2013/12/26/fixing-authentication-is-needed-to-run-usrbindropbox-as-the-super-user-error-in-linux/

miércoles, 26 de febrero de 2014

Window tiling on Ubuntu 12

To configure tiling shortcuts on Ubuntu 12

Open the CompizConfig Settings manager
$ ccsm
filter the word "grid"
Select the result
Configure the different options

source: http://askubuntu.com/questions/334559/how-can-i-setup-hotkeys-for-tiling-individual-windows-in-unity-ubuntu-12-04

ALT+TAB not switching windows

Ubuntu 12.04.4 LTS

if the key combination ALT+TAB does not switch windows it may be disable in Compiz.
In order to enable it again try these steps:

# Open CompizConfig setting manager
$ ccsm

Then go to the tab Window management
and check application switcher